Allegra.R Wedding Planner

Alegra.R Wedding Planner
Via Grazzi Soncini - Viadana
Tel. +39 0375 782267
Viadana (MANTOVA) - Italy - Tel. +39 0375 782267

Cascina Boscaccio – Bonirola di Gaggiano Milano

Allegra.R Wedding Planner  Cascina Boscaccio – Bonirola di Gaggiano Milano

Cascina Boscaccio – Bonirola di Gaggiano Milano

Cascina Boscaccio is a typical Lombard farmhouse of the eighteenth-century that has been carefully preserved over the years. The architectural characteristics of simplicity are typical of rural buildings found in the region.
The Boscaccio Lake, which surrounds most of the farm buildings, is fed by numerous springs of pure water and creates a natural habitat habitat typical of the Padan Plain. This blend of nature and architecture, provides a unique and charming setting to host your dream ceremony.


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